Copyright © 2023 Dragon Palm Circle
Knoxville TN
There are eight Sabbat broken into Major - Imbolg, Bealtaine, Lughnasadh, and Samhain and the Minor - Yule, Ostarta, Litha, and Mabon. Now the Major came first - they marked the changes of season in the old days Imbolg is the end of Winter and the start of Spring, Bealtaine the end of Spring and the start of Summer, Lughnasadh the end of Summer the start of Fall and Samhain the end of Fall and start of Winter. Next came the minor which just happen to be the Modern change of seasons - in the old days they were the middle of the season - but they marked the equinoxes and solaces. So the Major are the same date every year and the Minor change.
The Sabbats were very important - as each marked an events. Dealing with crops and life. They made sure the people were ready for what would come next in the year.
We have given a page to each Sabbat and on the pages we have Animated gifts slideshows showing different rituals done by Dragon Palm Circle over the years we have been around. Just place the cursor on the wheel of the year button and the sabbats will appear next to it.